Public Speaking in English ( 1 )
A presentation is a formal talk to one or more people that "presents" ideas or information in a clear, structured way. People are sometimes afraid of speaking in public, but if we follow a few simple rules, giving a presentation is actually very easy. This guides us through each stage of giving a presentation in English, from the initial preparation to the conclusion and questions and answers. This guidance is itself set out like a mini-presentation. We can follow it logically by starting at the introduction and then developing it to the end.
1. Focus on Content
Think very deeply about the message we want to send to our audience. When we are preparing, MOST of our time should be spent on crafting this message. Even if our speaking style is awkward, we will be successful if the message is right.
2. Have Strong Openings and Conclusions
An interesting opening using a question, statistic or interesting quote will make the audience wonder what is next. A strong conclusion will ensure our audience remembers our message!
3. Remember Key Words, not the Whole Speech
People who try to memorize their entire speech word for word often look awkward and uncomfortable. What is worse, if they forget something, they are lost and look very unprofessional. Instead, just remember five or six keywords and fill in the sentences as we go.
4. Prepare with a Watch
Teacher Joe prepares his speeches wherever he goes - on his way to work, during a break, while sitting on the toilet. To make sure he will not waste his listeners' time, he always uses a stopwatch. By timing ourselves, we will be able to cut out unnecessary parts of our speech and really fine-tune our message. (See number one above!)
5. Use Stories
Stories are one of the most powerful ways to communicate. Stories help our audience listen carefully and remember our message better. We don't need long, complex stories. Simple events from our own experience are an excellent way to show what we mean.
6. Speak with Emotion
Our schools and work environment encourage us to use our logical left brain, but most people make decisions using their imaginative right brain. When we appeal to people's emotions, we reach them in a way facts and figures can rarely do.
7. Relax!
Take some deep breaths before we speak and keep our body upright and relaxed during our presentation. Only use hand movements or body movements when they really match what we are saying. With more experience, we can add more "body language", but at first, keep it simple.
8. Speak Slowly
When we speak slowly, we have more time to think about what we want to say and how we can adapt our message to this particular audience. The audience will also be more likely to remember what we say, which is, after all, our main goal!
9. Videotape Ourselves
Teacher Joe often makes a-before and after-video of his students. They are always shocked to see their first presentations but very pleasantly surprised by the improvements in later presentations. Rather than just say "Practice makes perfect".
10. Join Toastmasters
Teacher Joe joined Toastmasters in 2003 and it changed his life. Toastmasters has a great plan, and we will benefit immensely from not only speaking and receiving evaluations, but also by learning to give evaluations ourselves!
The Most Useful Business English Vocabularies
1). Advertising - show our products to customers through radio, television or newspapers.What is the best way for us to advertise our product?
2). Afford - able to buy, have enough money to buy. Television is the best advertising, but the most expensive.Can we afford it?
3). Agenda - a detailed plan for a meeting.The first item on our agenda is advertising.
4). Booming - business is growing very fast This year business is booming, so we can start thinking about increasing investments.
5). Borrow - getting money from someone else, or from a bank, which we must pay back later. We need to borrow $100,000 to expand our business.
6). Brand - the name of a well-known product (McDonald's, Coca Cola, BMW, etc.) We'll need to borrow money for advertising, then we'll build our brand awareness.
7). Break even - when our spending equals the amount we receive from sales The company didn't make money nor lose money during the last quarter. They just broke even.
8). Bribe - secretly paying money to get special favors from a company or government official. She was sent to prison for 30 years for trying to bribe a high official.
9). Budget - a detailed plan for spending money The second item on our agenda is the budget. We need to pay special attention to advertising, marketing and building our sales staff. Oh, and we need to significantly increase our budget for English teachers!
10). Calculate - to count, add, subtract, multiply, divide numbers It's not hard to calculate - if we keep spending more money than we take in, we'll have to sell more!
11). Cancel - to decide NOT to buy something that we had agreed to before. Before they cancel the order, find out what the problem is and fix it!
12). Capital - money If we had more capital to invest, we would build a new factory.
13). Charge for - ask money for payment We never charge for repairs. Making sure our products work included in the purchase price.
14). CEO - the top officer in a company, the Chief Executive Officer How can we find a good CEO who knows how to run a business in today's business environment?
15). CFO – (Chief Financial Officer) the top financial officer in a company The CFO will be attending today's meeting to talk about fundamental accounting principles.
16). Commission - a percentage of each sale that goes directly to the sales person Our salespeople get 10% of commission for each item sold, but that increases as he or she sells more.
17). Competition - other companies that make the same product as ours We face tough competition, but our product has some important advantages.
18). Consumption - the total amount of product bought in a market Although prices have fallen, overall consumption is higher, so we can still make money.
19). Credit - when we buy first, but pay later We can buy this product on credit. The payment will be due in 90 days.
20). Currency - the money of one country If we exchange currency in the airport, we'll pay a large commission. Go to a bank instead.
21). Deadline - the time by which some project must be finished We have to finish this by Friday. That's the final deadline.
22). Demand - the wish of customers to buy a product Until demand increases, we won't sell many of our most expensive products.
23). Diversify - start many new businesses instead of doing just one. If we diversify, we can make more money, but sales of our main product may go down.
24). Employee - a worker Employees today need to learn so much to be able to move up in the company.
25). Employer - the person who finds and pays workers My employer told me I have to work overtime or I'll lose my job!
26). Estimate - a guess about how much something will cost We estimate the new factory will cost less than 20 million euros.
27). Extend - to give more, especially a loan of money The bank said they cannot extend the deadline. We have to pay by Friday or face the consequences.
28). Interest - extra money needed to pay back borrowed money When we pay back the 100,000 euros, we must also pay 10% interest, so the total will be 110,000 euros.
29). Inventory - unsold items that we keep so that we can sell them in the future Our inventory is very low right now. We have to increase build up our inventory to meet demand in the coming year.
30). Invoice - a paper which explains what was sold and at what prices Look at the invoice. We charged us for repairs that we said oure free!
31). Leadership - the skill of managing people He has natural leadership skills, so he will surely be successful.
32) Lend - giving money to someone else, which they will pay back to us later When did we lend him the money? I lent it to him two months ago.
33). Loss - when we spend more money than we receive from selling our product We took a loss last year, but this year we are spending less and selling more.
34). Lucrative - the possibility of making a great amount of money This could be a very lucrative contract! Well make money for each sale as well as for each installation!
35). Net - the amount of money received from sales, after expenses are subtracted Our gross sales oure very good, but we need to cut expenses to add to our net sales.
36). Principal - the main part of a loan, before interest is added We can pay back the principal in 10 years, then we will only have to repay the interest.
37). Quarter - three months of the year, the usual time for planning and reporting financial reports. Last quarter was our best ever, and I am confident next quarter will be even better.
38 . Refund - giving money back to the customer if there is a problem with the item we sell We cannot give we a refund after 90 days. Sorry!
39). Resign - quit a job suddenly Nobody knows why the CFO quit, but some people say he didn't get along with the CEO.
40).Retail - selling to the final customer The retail price is 150 euros, but we can buy it for less if we bargain.
41). Retire - finish work after a long career (at age 65 in the U.S., 60 in Japan, 55 in China...)
I've saved enough money for my retirement, but if I want to retire to Hawaii, I have to
save even more!
42). Saturated - too many companies producing the same product The market for product A is already saturated. We need to diversify if we wish to increase our profits. 43). Sluggish - when business is slow (opposite of "booming") In this sluggish economy, the best we can hope for is to break even.
44). Terms - the details of an agreement or contract. The terms of this contract are quite good. I think we have a deal!
45). Warranty - a promise that the things we sell will be of good quality . This product has a one-year warranty, but if we pay a small fee, we can extend it to five years.
46). Wholesale - selling to a salesman who will then sell to the final customer The wholesale price is generally 50% of the retail price.
Public Speaking dalam bahasa Inggris (1)
presentasi adalah berbicara formal untuk satu atau lebih orang bahwa ide-ide "hadiah" atau informasi dengan cara yang jelas terstruktur. Orang kadang-kadang takut berbicara di depan umum, tetapi jika kita mengikuti aturan sederhana, memberikan presentasi sebenarnya sangat mudah. Hal ini membimbing kita melalui setiap tahap memberikan presentasi dalam bahasa Inggris, dari persiapan awal sampai pada kesimpulan dan pertanyaan dan jawaban. Pedoman ini sendiri diatur seperti presentasi-mini. Kita bisa mengikutinya secara logis dengan memulai pada pengenalan dan kemudian mengembangkannya sampai akhir.
1. Fokus pada konten
Pikirkan sangat mendalam tentang pesan yang ingin kita kirim ke pendengar kita. Ketika kita sedang mempersiapkan, PALING waktu kita harus digunakan untuk kerajinan pesan ini. Bahkan jika gaya berbicara kita adalah aneh, kita akan berhasil jika pesan yang tepat.
2. Memiliki Openings kuat dan Kesimpulan
Sebuah pembukaan yang menarik dengan menggunakan pertanyaan, statistik atau kutipan yang menarik akan membuat penonton bertanya-tanya apa yang berikutnya. Sebuah kesimpulan yang kuat akan menjamin penonton kita ingat pesan kita!
3. Kata Kunci Ingat, bukan Pidato Utuh
Orang yang mencoba menghafal pidato mereka seluruh kata demi kata seringkali terlihat canggung dan tidak nyaman. Yang lebih buruk, jika mereka melupakan sesuatu, mereka hilang dan terlihat sangat tidak profesional. Sebaliknya, hanya ingat lima atau enam kata kunci dan mengisi kalimat seperti yang kita pergi.
4. Siapkan dengan Watch
Guru Joe mempersiapkan pidato-pidato mana pun ia pergi - dalam perjalanan untuk bekerja, selama waktu istirahat, sambil duduk di toilet. Untuk memastikan ia tidak akan membuang-buang waktu pendengarnya ', ia selalu menggunakan stopwatch. Dengan waktu diri sendiri, kita akan dapat memotong bagian yang tidak perlu dari pembicaraan kita dan benar-benar menyempurnakan pesan kita. (Lihat nomor satu di atas!)
5. Gunakan Cerita
Cerita adalah salah satu cara yang paling ampuh untuk berkomunikasi. Cerita membantu pendengar kita mendengarkan dengan seksama dan ingatlah pesan kita lebih baik. Kita tidak perlu panjang, cerita kompleks. Wikipedia acara dari pengalaman kita sendiri adalah cara terbaik untuk menunjukkan apa yang kita maksud.
6. Bicara dengan Emotion
Sekolah kami dan lingkungan kerja yang mendorong kita untuk menggunakan otak logis kiri kami, tetapi kebanyakan orang membuat keputusan dengan menggunakan otak imajinatif hak mereka. Ketika kita menarik bagi emosi rakyat, kita mencapai mereka dengan cara yang fakta dan angka jarang bisa dilakukan.
7. Santai!
Ambil napas dalam-dalam sebelum kita berbicara dan menjaga tubuh kita tegak dan santai selama presentasi kami. Hanya menggunakan gerakan tangan atau gerakan tubuh saat mereka benar-benar cocok dengan apa yang kita katakan. Dengan pengalaman lebih banyak, kita dapat menambahkan lebih "bahasa tubuh", tapi pada awalnya, tetap sederhana.
8. Bicara Perlahan
Ketika kita berbicara lambat, kita memiliki lebih banyak waktu untuk berpikir tentang apa yang ingin kita katakan dan bagaimana kita bisa beradaptasi pesan kami ke khalayak tertentu. Penonton juga akan lebih mungkin untuk mengingat apa yang kita katakan, yang, setelah semua, tujuan utama kami!
9. Kaset Video Diri Sendiri
Guru Joe sering membuat-sebelum dan sesudah-video dari murid-muridnya. Mereka selalu terkejut melihat presentasi pertama mereka tetapi sangat terkejut oleh perbaikan dalam presentasi nanti. Dan ini yang di sebut dengan "Latihan yang menbuat sempurna ".
10. Join Toastmasters
Guru Joe bergabung dengan Toastmasters pada tahun 2003 dan mengubah hidupnya. Toastmasters memiliki rencana besar, dan kami akan mendapatkan keuntungan yang sangat besar dari tidak hanya berbicara dan menerima evaluasi, tetapi juga dengan belajar untuk memberikan evaluasi diri kita sendiri!
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